
  1. O. Dominguez, L. Nordin, J. Liu, K. Feng, D. Wasserman, and A.J. Hoffman, “Monochromatic Multimode Nanoantennas on Epsilon-Near-Zero Substrates,” Advanced Optical Materials 7, 1800826 (2018) .
  2. E. Matlis, T. Corke, B. Neiswander, and A.J. Hoffman, “Electromagnetic wave transmittance control using self-organized plasma lattice metamaterial,” Journal of Applied Physics 124, 093104 (2018).
  3. L. Cao, J. Wang, G. Harden, H. Ye, R. Stillwell, A.J. Hoffman, and P. Fay, “Experimental characterization of impact ionization coefficients for electrons and holes in GaN grown on bulk GaN substrates,” Applied Physics Letters 112, 262103 (2018).
  4. K. Feng, D.L. Sivco, and A.J. Hoffman, “Engineering optical emission in sub-diffraction hyperbolic metamaterial resonators,” Optics Express 26, 4382 (2018).
  5. L. Nordin, O. Dominguez, C. Roberts, W. Streyer, K. Feng, Z. Fang, V.A. Podolskiy, A.J. Hoffman, and D. Wasserman, “Mid-infrared epsilon-near-zero modes in ultra-thin phononic films,” Applied Physics Letters 111, 091105 (2017).
  6. K. Feng, G. Harden, D.L. Sivco, and A.J. Hoffman, “Sub-diffraction Confinement in All-semiconductor Hyperbolic Metamaterial Resonators,” ACS Photonics 4, 1621-1626 (2017).
  7. Y.I. Cui, M.P. Harter, Y. Dikmelik, and A.J. Hoffman, “Importance of Coherence in Models of Mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Laser Gain Spectra,” Journal of Optics 19, 095201 (2017).
  8. O. Dominguez, T.L. McGinnity, R.K. Roeder, and A.J. Hoffman, “Optical characterization of polar HfO2 nanoparticles in the mid- and far-infrared,” Applied Physics Letters 111, 011101 (2017).
  9. T. Ahmed, T. Liu, T.P. Butler, J.M. Kulick, G.H. Bernstein, A.J. Hoffman, D.C. Hall, and S.S. Howard, “Mid-infrared Waveguide Array Inter-Chip Coupling Using Optical Quilt Packaging,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29, 755-758 (2017).
  10. O. Dominguez, T.L. McGinnity, R.K. Roeder, and A.J. Hoffman, “Mid- and far-infrared optical characterization of monoclinic HfO2 nanoparticles and evidence of localized surface phonon polaritons,” Proceedings SPIE 10100, 101001G (2017).
  11. G.H. Harden, L.E. Cortes-Herrera, and A.J. Hoffman, “Optical pathlength and trajectory stability in rotationally asymmetric multipass cells,” Optics Express 24, 19497 (2016).
  12. T.L. McGinnity, O. Dominguez, T.E. Curtis, P. Nallathamby, A.J. Hoffman, and R.K. Roeder, “Hafnia (HfO2) nanoparticles as an X-ray contrast agent and mid-infrared phononic material,” Nanoscale 8, 13627 (2016).
  13. K. Feng, G. Harden, D.L. Sivco, and A.J. Hoffman, “Sub-diffraction Resonators in Semiconductor Hyperbolic Metamaterials,” OSA Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, paper LTu2A.1 (2016). invited
  14. W. Streyer, K. Feng, Y. Zhong, A.J. Hoffman, and D. Wasserman, "Engineering the Reststrahlen band with hybrid plasmon/phonon excitations," MRS Communications 6, 1-8 2015.
  15. K. Feng, W. Streyer, Y. Zhong, A.J. Hoffman, and D. Wasserman, “Photonics materials, structures, and devices for Reststrahlen optics,” Optics Express 23, A1418 (2015).
  16. K. Feng, W. Streyer, S.M. Islam, J. Verma, D. Jena, D. Wasserman, and A.J. Hoffman, “Localized surface phonon polariton resonances in polar gallium nitride,” Applied Physics Letters 107, 081108 (2015).
  17. W. Streyer, K. Feng, Y. Zhong, A.J. Hoffman, and D. Wasserman, “Selective absorbers and thermal emitters for far-infrared wavelengths,” Applied Physics Letters 107, 081105 (2015).
  18. W. Streyer, A. Rosenberg, S. Law, C. Roberts, V.A. Podolskiy, A.J. Hoffman, and D. Wasserman, “Engineering absorption and blackbody radiation in the far-infrared with surface phonon polaritons on gallium phosphide,” Applied Physics Letters 104, 131105 (2014).
  19. Y. Yao, A.J. Hoffman, and C. Gmachl, “Mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers”, Nature Photonics 6, 432-439 (2012).
  20. A.J. Hoffman, S. Srinivasan, J. Gambetta, and A.A. Houck, “Coherent control of a superconducting qubit with dynamically tunable qubit-cavity coupling,” Physical Review B 84, 184515 (2011).
  21. A.J. Hoffman, S. Srinivasan, S. Schmidt, L. Spietz, J. Aumentado, H.E. Tureci, and A.A. Houck, “Dispersive Photon Blockade in a Superconducting Circuit,” Physical Review Letters 107, 053602 (2011).
  22. S. Srinivasan, A.J. Hoffman, J. Gambetta, and A.A. Houck, “Tunable coupling in circuit quantum electrodynamics with a superconducting V-system,” Physical Review Letters 106, 083601 (2011).
  23. M.D. Escarra, S. Thongrattanasiri, W.O. Charles, A.J. Hoffman, V.A. Podolskiy, and C. Gmachl, “Enhanced bandwidth and reduced dispersion through stacking multiple optical metamaterials,” Optics Express 19, 14990 (2011).
  24. P.Q. Liu, A.J. Hoffman, M.D. Escarra, K.J. Franz, J.B. Khurgin, Y. Dikmelik, X.J. Wang, J.-Y. Fan, C.F. Gmachl, "Highly Power-efficient Quantum Cascade Lasers," Nature Photonics 4, 95 (2010).